Crafting Visibility: Designing Standout Signs

Physical signs are an incredibly effective way to advertise a service, announce an event, create awareness, promote a business, and so much more. Signs remain relevant in a world that is saturated with digital marketing because they are cost-effective, versatile, and tangible. If done right, the sign can be an invaluable tool to attract your target audience and portray your message in an impactful way. In this post, I will cover design tips to ensure your sign stands out and meets your objectives. 

Visual Components

First and foremost, your sign must be attention-grabbing, visually appealing, and straightforward. Your audience may be passing by your sign with just a split second to notice it, so it is imperative that your sign attract attention at first glance. Use vibrant, high-contrast colors and interesting graphics to create a sign that will be noticed right away. It is important that your sign does not just capture attention but is also aesthetically pleasing. Once you have your audience’s attention, you want to maintain it and leave a positive, lasting impression on your viewer. For example, if you are creating a sign for your coffee shop, using a photo of a steaming latte in an elegant glass beautifully decorated with whipped cream and caramel syrup will likely attract customers. On the other hand, even if your sign is attention-grabbing in other ways, if you use a photo of a plain black coffee in a paper cup, you will gain less business than with the decadent latte photo version of the sign. Your sign also needs to be simple and direct. You should use an easy-to-read font, avoid unnecessary and distracting clutter, and have a clear call to action. 

Practical Considerations

Once you have perfected your visual design elements, it is necessary to focus on feasibility and functionality. It is vital to create a sign using only high-quality materials. Homemade paper signs might work for a day for a neighborhood garage sale, but if you want your sign to last and look professional, you must use durable, weather-proof materials. Coroplast, for example, is one of the best materials to use because it is budget-friendly, waterproof, lightweight, and resistant to outdoor elements. 

Regarding practicality, you must also consider sizing and the number of signs that you will need. In some cases, it will suit your purpose more to have several smaller signs scattered around a large area. In other cases, one or two large signs placed strategically in a specific location can be more effective. For example, a farmer’s market might benefit more from placing smaller signs around the local area, whereas one large sign for an upcoming concert would yield excellent results if placed in a busy intersection in the middle of the city.


When executed properly, using physical signs is an indispensable resource for marketers. Visually, signs should be striking, compelling, engaging, and appealing. An effective sign should also be made with durable materials and carefully strategized in terms of size and numbers to fit your specific advertising needs. Following these design steps will ensure that your sign stands out and yields your desired results.