yard sign showing pony parties

What Kind of Signs Garner the Most Business?

What Kind of Signs Garner the Most Business?


There are many types of signs out there. You see signs for businesses, events, campaigns, and many more. But have you ever wondered which type of signs gain the most business? Or how you need to design your yard sign to gain visitors? The most popular type of signs are ones that are customized. Customization can help in developing a personal brand which can help visitors remember who you are. 


Your audience is highly influenced by the shape, size, and color of your yard signs. When signs like this draw attention even on a crowded street, there is a huge possibility your business, event, or campaign will be successful. To ensure the success of your signage, consider the following when designing your sign and deciding where to place them. 


Keep It Simple


When designing your yard sign, you will want to tell your message to audiences who drive by without slowing down. In other words, keep it simple and focus on the one most important message that you want to get across. This is one time you want to use fewer words. Yard signs are meant to ingrain your business or event into the audience’s minds. This will help your audience remember your products, services, or events when the time comes for them to need them. However, simple does not mean boring. Try different fonts, colors, and more, but remember to keep your sign legible. 


Ensure Readability


Have you ever tried reading a sign from your car but can’t make out what it says because the font is too small, or it is written in a wacky font? Keep in mind how frustrated you were and remember that your audience does not have the time to figure out a message that can’t be read. To catch the eye of your audience, use contrasting colors that not only contrast with each other but also with the colors of other yard signs in the area. 


Readability doesn’t stop with your color choices. The size of your text is also very important, as it becomes very difficult to read as your audience drives faster. Keep the following tip in mind. Your audience can easily read letters that are seven inches high while traveling 25 mph. If they are traveling at 55 mph, you need to increase that height to 16 inches. 


The type of fonts you use will also affect the readability of your signs. Fonts such as Garamond, Helvetica, and Frutiger are usually the best fonts to use. If you have a small yard sign, then is it recommended to write your message in all capital letters. 


Placement Matters


Utilizing yard signs is a great way to save on money. In fact, since yard signs are low in cost, you can purchase a lot and spread them out strategically. By placing your yard signs in a variety of locations, you increase your opportunities of gaining the interest of your audience. When you place multiple signs in high-traffic areas within your market, you are helping your business or event gain the exposure they need to be successful. 


Yard signs might be considered old school advertising, but they are still proven to generate numerous business leads and provide great exposure for events. If you are looking for a way to help gain the attention of your audience, contact Bulk Yard Signs today and talk with one of our expert designers. We would be thrilled to help customize your signs!